The Summer Fayre lives on!
Thanks to the response we received at the Public Meeting in February, we are pleased to announce that the Village Fayre is saved and will be Saturday 7th September. Our first event, as scheduled will be the Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday (19th April), with lots of planning for both events in full swing. With the increased members on the committee, we are also looking to take forward more village matters and welcome any ideas or feedback on current affairs.
Membership going digital & EGM
Managing our membership has for many years involved many hours of volunteers’ time throughout the year collecting papers forms, inputting this information onto a large spreadsheet and tracking payment of membership fees. This is volunteer time that could have been spent arranging events and activities for our members and the village to enjoy. By making this move to an online membership system we hope to drastically reduce the amount of administration time.
We are aware that this may fill some of you with dread but please bear with us and give it a try. If you need any help or need any questions answered please email
In conjunction with the move to online membership, we are proposing moving from the current system of membership renewal on the anniversary of joining CDRA, to all accounts renewing on 1st March annually. This again will drastically reduce administration time throughout the year and allow us to budget effectively for the year ahead. We intend to introduce this change effective 1st March 2020 and phase this in over the next 12 months. According to our constitution, this proposal must be ratified by a CDRA members vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting – this will be held in the Oak Room at the Haven Centre at 8:00pm on Tuesday 19th March 2019