CDRA Easter Egg Hunt 2019

Why not start your Easter weekend by joining us on Friday 19th April for the Crawley Down Residents Association Easter Egg Hunt… It’s open to everyone that would like to take part!

Register at the desk outside shops in village from 10am to receive your clue sheet and map, then set off on a hunt for the Easter Bunnies hidden around the village.

When you successfully find a bunny you get to take part in a lucky dip where every participant wins a mini foiled chocolate egg! If you pick a silver egg you win an on the spot mystery prize...!!

Each bunny will also give you a letter, once all letters are un-scrambled they will spell a word which can be entered on your clue sheet. Completed clue sheets can then be submitted at the registration desk by village shops or at the Haven Centre to be entered into the grand prize draw.

We look forward to welcoming you for an epic adventure!

To support the event there are some (very) modest entry fees payable at the registration desk (cash only):

CDRA members - £1 per child
Non members - £3 per child

If you’re not a member why not support the CDRA by joining and benefiting from the reduced entry fee? Membership costs just £5 per household per year and joining takes only a couple of minutes by going to