Welcome to the digital home of the CDRA

Winter 2022/23

We have some great fun lined up between now and the new year, including:

Crawley Down Christmas Lights Switch On Event

A fun filled day for all the family. Meet Santa, relax with a festive beverage, and cheer the arrival of some festive spirit! For more information, please visit the event Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/5134094863368951 

CDRA Tree Trail

New for this year, we are trying to arrange a trail to follow around the village. Find all the trees to win... details will follow.

If you have front garden that is at least 4m x 4m, is easily visible from the public highway, and would like to help this happen, please send us an email with your name and address and we will be in touch. Just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Santa's Sleigh Ride

We hope that Santa will find the time to visit Crawley Down again! Date & details to follow and his live tracker will be available to view here on the day! We will be taking donations on the day. 


About Us

Crawley Down Residents Association is a non-political and non-sectarian unincorporated association.

We operate in and around Crawley Down, West Sussex for the good of local the local community. 

Useful Links


If you would like to donate to the CDRA, please click on the button below.